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Test Data Management
Picture of Paul Horn
Paul Horn
Paul Horn is the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of Accutive Security; he has over 30 years of cybersecurity and software development experience with a focus on data protection and cryptography

Managing test data in on-prem environments can feel like an uphill battle. As cloud adoption grows, many companies still depend on on-premise environments to handle sensitive, regulated data. This isn’t just a legacy decision—industries like finance, healthcare, and government face strict regulations that make on-prem environments necessary for maintaining security and compliance, especially when it comes to test data management.

For DevOps and security teams, the challenge is real: How do you keep test data secure and usable for development and testing without slowing down workflows or risking compliance violations?

In this article, we’ll dive into three major test data management challenges that organizations face in on-prem environments and explore how automation can provide practical solutions.

On prem Test Data Management in Regulated Industries

Certain industries continue to prioritize on-prem data environments due to the sensitive nature of the data they handle. Some examples include,

  • Finance: Financial institutions deal with massive amounts of sensitive data like credit card details, banking records, and customer transaction histories. Regulations like PCI DSS demand that organizations have full control over their data, often requiring them to store it in on-prem environments. These companies must secure and manage their data to prevent breaches while complying with strict oversight.
  • Healthcare: Hospitals and healthcare providers must follow HIPAA regulations, which often mandate that patient data stays within specific geographic locations. On-prem data storage provides the necessary control, ensuring that sensitive medical records are secure and accessible only by authorized personnel. For healthcare providers, ensuring data privacy while maintaining availability is key to staying compliant.
  • Government: Government agencies, particularly those handling classified data, must protect this information within tightly controlled, on-prem environments. The stakes are high, as any unauthorized access could compromise national security. These agencies need to ensure that data remains secure while enabling necessary access for operational efficiency.

3 Critical Test Data Management Challenges and How to Tackle Them

1. Locating and Classifying Sensitive Data

  • The challenge: Sensitive data is often spread across multiple databases, file servers, and systems. Manually tracking this data can leave blind spots, leading to compliance risks or security breaches. Test data management begins with identifying and classifying sensitive information, like PII or PHI, that must be anonymized for testing.
  • Solution: Automated PII/PHI Data Discovery. By implementing automated discovery tools, organizations can map and classify sensitive data across all on-prem systems. This helps reduce the risk of exposing sensitive data and ensures compliance with regulations like GDPR and HIPAA.
  • How it helps with compliance: For example, a healthcare provider managing thousands of patient records can use automated discovery to ensure all PHI is correctly classified. This comprehensive view of where sensitive data resides helps meet HIPAA requirements and supports effective test data management.

2. Masking Data for Development Without Breaking Referential Integrity

  • The challenge: In complex databases, especially those used by financial institutions, data integrity must be maintained during testing. Masking customer information can break relationships between records, which leads to inaccurate test results. In test data management, maintaining referential integrity is crucial for realistic testing.
  • Solution: Advanced Data Masking Tools. Automated masking ensures that sensitive data is anonymized while preserving the relationships between records. This enables realistic testing without exposing sensitive information.
  • How it improves test data accuracy: For a financial institution, developers can use masked data that retains relationships between customer profiles and transaction histories. This ensures that test data behaves like production data, allowing accurate testing without compromising security or compliance.

3. Providing Realistic Data for DevOps Without Exposing PII

  • The challenge: DevOps teams need realistic data for developing and refining applications. Using unmasked production data poses security risks, especially in industries with strict compliance requirements. In test data management, the challenge is to provide realistic test data without exposing sensitive information like PII.
  • Solution: Context-Aware Masking for Secure Testing. Automated masking tools generate realistic test data that mimics the behavior of production data without exposing sensitive information. This allows DevOps teams to work with secure test data that still reflects real-world conditions.
  • How it improves development efficiency: For example, a hospital developing a new patient management system can mask patient records while still providing realistic data for testing. This ensures the system functions as expected without exposing any PHI, maintaining both security and compliance.

Improving On-Prem Test Data Management with Automation

Effective test data management for on-prem environments requires more than just perimeter security. Automating key aspects of data discovery, masking, and compliance ensures that sensitive information is secure and usable.

  • Automated PII/PHI discovery helps organizations locate and classify sensitive data, ensuring it remains protected and compliant with regulations like GDPR and HIPAA.
  • Automated data masking anonymizes data while preserving data relationships, minimizing human error and keeping testing environments accurate and functional.
  • Context-aware masking provides realistic, secure test data for DevOps teams, enabling them to develop and test applications without exposing sensitive information.


For regulated industries like finance, healthcare, and government, on-prem data environments are essential, but securing them presents unique data management challenges. From locating sensitive data across fragmented systems to ensuring data integrity during testing, organizations often struggle to protect their data without disrupting workflows or risking non-compliance. Manual processes can lead to inefficiencies and errors, especially when trying to meet strict regulatory standards like GDPR and HIPAA.

Automated PII discovery and masking tools provide a solution by streamlining test data management processes, ensuring compliance, and maintaining data usability for development and testing. ADM platform delivers these capabilities, enabling organizations to confidently manage sensitive data in on-prem environments while balancing security and operational efficiency. For enterprises that require control, compliance, and functionality, automation is the key to overcoming these challenges

Learn how automated masking with ADM can simplify your on-prem test data management

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