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Data Protection, Cryptography + IAM Solutions for the Insurance Industry

Accutive Security has deep Insurance industry expertise across a broad range of solutions including Data Discovery and Data Masking, PKI, CLM, HSMs, MFA, SSO, Secrets Management, Key Management, Data Encryption, and CIAM.


Data Masking + Test Data Management for the Insurance Industry

Accutive Data Discovery

Accutive Data Discovery + Masking (ADM) for Core Insurance Platforms:

A top rated data discovery + masking solution with automated PCI DSS, PII, SOX, GDPR (EU), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Dodd-Frank, SFTR, MIFID II, PSD2, HIPAA / PHIPA (health insurance), and PIPEDA (Canada) compliance to protect your insureds, brokers, employees + other stakeholders.

Cryptographic Protection for the Insurance Industry

Building a secure cryptographic framework to ward off cyber threats, using the cryptographic triad:
secure cryptographic framework

Identity and Access Management (IAM) for Insurers

Identity and Access
A robust Identity and Access Management framework is necessary for insurers to prevent unauthorized access to highly sensitive financial, health and personal information. We work with insurers to build robust compliant IAM frameworks including

Insurance is one of the most targeted industries for cyberattacks and data breaches


Of Financial Services organizations experience at least one breach in the last 12 months


Of Financial Services organizations were victimized by dreaded ransomware attacks in 2023 according to Deloitte

$6 Million

Average cost of a financial services data breach in 2023 according to IBM, higher than the average

Accutive Data Discovery + Masking (ADM) for Financial Services

Data discovery, subsetting, masking, automation with pre-configured Financial Services compliance

ADM has a proven track record of rapidly + securely discovering and masking large, complex databases such as core banking data
Insurance-flyer- mockups

Learn how a national financial institution successfully used ADM to discover, protect + mask their most sensitive data, including core banking data

Challenging realities of the Insurance Industry

Insurers manage large amounts of highly sensitive PII, PHI and financial data that is an ideal target for cybercriminals
Persistent Threats Targeting

Persistent Threats Targeting Financial Data

Ransomware attacks, data breaches, and evolving cyber risks threaten your customers / members and your financial institution’s bottom line
Navigating Regulatory Compliance

Navigating Regulatory

Ensuring compliance while strengthening cybersecurity is a challenge, and non-compliance risks penalties and reputation damage.
Legacy Systems Vulnerabilities

Legacy Systems Vulnerabilities

Antiquated IT infrastructure can leave you susceptible to cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
High Stakes Data

High Stakes Data

The stakes in financial services are higher than other industries. Personal financial information is highly sensitive and must be safeguarded at all costs.

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