Healthcare Technology company used ADM to discover, protect + mask billions of rows of sensitive data
Accutive Data Discovery + Masking (ADM) for the Telecommunications Industry:
A top rated data discovery + masking solution with automated PCI DSS, PII, GDPR (EU), and PIPEDA (Canada) compliance to protect your customers, subscribers, employees + other stakeholders. ADM is easily configured for compliance with FCC and FTC data regulations, including Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI). Likewise, for Canada telecoms, ADM is configurable for CRTC compliance.
Building a secure cryptographic framework to ward off cyber threats, using the cryptographic triad:
A robust Identity and Access Management framework prevents unauthorized access to highly sensitive financial, health and personal information. We work with telecoms to build robust compliant IAM frameworks including:
$200 Million
$1 Billion +