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Key and Secrets Management

Improve security and safeguard sensitive information with our comprehensive services around key and secrets management.


Common Obstacles

Without key and secrets management your organization is vulnerable.

Operational Disruptions

Lost keys or secrets may result in downtime, interrupted data access, or hindered communication.


Insider Threats

Employees may misuse or disclose keys, leading to data breaches or unauthorized access.


Data Loss

Mishandling of encryption keys, API keys, or passwords may result in breaches or permanent data loss.

Let Us Keep Your Data Safe

By using Accutive Security key and secrets management services, you can ensure the protection of your sensitive information and the compliance of your organization.

“Through the lens of a center of excellence, organizations can get an holistic approach, leading to a higher level of security maturity.”

Research Group

“Large corporations should utilize the center of excellence services of a firm, not only to keep abreast of the rapidly evolving threat landscape, but also to facilitate informed, strategic decision-making. The insights provided can significantly mitigate potential risks and optimize security measures.”

Consulting Firm


Easy Key Management

Simplified key management, so you don’t have to worry about creating, managing, and revoking.


Automated Key Rotation

Automated key rotation on a schedule to minimize the risk of a data breach.


Strong Encryption Algorithms

Industry-standard encryption algorithms to protect your keys and secrets from unauthorized access.


M of N Access Control

M of N access control and FIPS Level 2 and Level 3 compliance.


Secure Key Storage

Secure, tamper-proof storage for keys, so you can be confident they won’t be lost or stolen.


Strong Encryption Algorithms

Industry-standard encryption algorithms to protect your keys and secrets from unauthorized access.


Easy Key Management

Simplified key management, so you don’t have to worry about creating, managing, and revoking.


Automated Key Rotation

Automated key rotation on a schedule to minimize the risk of a data breach.


M of N Access Control

M of N access control and FIPS Level 2 and Level 3 compliance.


Secure Key Storage

Secure, tamper-proof storage for keys, so you can be confident they won’t be lost or stolen.

Page Summary

Delve into the world of comprehensive key and secrets management for achieving full security compliance. We specialize in key management solutions, including KMIP, TDE, and PKCS #11 standards. Partnering with industry leaders like Thales, HashiCorp, and Entrust, we provide cutting-edge HSM (Hardware Security Module) solutions and encryption key management, assisting with adherence to stringent security compliance standards.
In today’s digital landscape, effective key and secrets management is paramount to safeguard sensitive information. Our expertise spans the entire spectrum, ensuring that your organization’s encryption keys and security measures are robust and compliant. Whether you’re navigating security compliance requirements or seeking the latest advancements in key management, we offer the solutions and partnerships needed to bolster your security posture and achieve peace of mind.

Best-in-Class Partners

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