Webinar | Secure Your Roadmap for 90 Day Certs with Venafi + Accutive Security July 10th, 2024 | Register Now

Data Protection for Healthcare

Robust HIPAA-compliant cybersecurity solutions to protect the personal health information (PHI) of your patients and clients.


Data Masking + Test Data Management for the Healthcare Industry

Data Discovery + Masking

Accutive Data Discovery + Masking (ADM) for Healthcare:

A top rated data discovery + masking solution with automated HIPAA (US), PHIPA (Canada) and PII compliance to protect your patients, clients + staff.

Empower your teams to securely analyze health data and develop + test new systems with no risk of exposing patient data

AI-powered automated data discovery and masking capabilities

Consistent, accurate masking across all your files + databases

Cryptography + Data Protection for the Healthcare Industry

Building a secure cryptographic framework to ward off cyber threats, using the cryptographic triad:

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI):

Verify the identity of individuals and machines on your network using digital certificates and protect your highly sensitive data from being compromised.

Certificate Lifecycle Management / Automation (CLM/CLA):

Prevent outages and stay compliant. We offer HIPAA-compliant CLM/CLA solutions to ensure your digital certificate lifecycle is seamlessly managed and automated.

Key Management, including Hardware Security Modules (HSMs):

The foundation of trust and the enabler of PKI by providing + guarding your cryptographic keys.

Cryptographic Protection

Identity and Access Management (IAM) for the Healthcare Industry

Identity and Access Management
A robust Identity and Access Management framework is mandated by HIPAA + PHIPA to prevent unauthorized access to highly sensitive personal health information. We work with health care organizations to build robust HIPAA/PHIPA compliant IAM frameworks including:

Multi Factor Authentication (MFA):

compliance with HIPAA 164.312(d)

Single Sign On (SSO):

secure convenience for busy healthcare workers

Access Control:

Role-based access control and Attribute-based access control for compliance with HIPAA 164.312(a)

Privileged Access Management (PAM):

to provide oversight over ‘privileged’ accounts such as administrator accounts to prevent breaches

Safeguarding Physical Access,

including smartcards


Healthcare is the #1 most susceptible industry to cyberattacks


Of healthcare organizations experience at least one breach.


Average number of connected devices within a hospital – Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has brought both innovation and greater vulnerability

$10.93 Million

Average cost of a healthcare data breach in 2023 according to IBM, the highest of all industries

Accutive Data Discovery + Masking (ADM) for Healthcare

Data discovery, subsetting, masking, automation, and tokenization with HIPAA + PHIPA compliance out of the box

ADM has a proven track record of rapidly + securely masking massive healthcare databases
Learn how a Healthcare Technology company used ADM to discover, protect + mask billions of rows of sensitive data

Challenging realities of the Healthcare Industry

Your organization houses large amounts of highly sensitive data, that is an ideal target for cybercriminals
Persistent Threats Targeting Financial Data

Persistent Threats Targeting Healthcare Data

Ransomware attacks, data breaches, and evolving cyber risks threaten patient privacy—and your organization’s integrity.
Navigating Regulatory

Navigating Regulatory

Ensuring compliance while strengthening cybersecurity is a challenge, and non-compliance risks penalties and reputation damage.
Legacy Systems Vulnerabilities

Legacy Systems Vulnerabilities

Antiquated IT infrastructure and medical devices can leave you susceptible to cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
High Stakes Data

High Stakes Data

The stakes in healthcare are higher than any other industry. Personal health information (PHI) is highly personal and must be safeguarded at all costs.

Comprehensive Cybersecurity Solution for Healthcare Organizations

Data Discovery and Masking

Data Discovery and Masking

Discover data across all files and databases and replace it with fictitious but usable data for development and testing.
Streamlined Access Management

Streamlined Access Management

Simplify identity management across systems and locations and elevate security with multi-factor authentication.
Sharing with Third Parties

Sharing with Third Parties

Securely share data within various ecosystems, both internal and external to your organization
Empower Identity Solutions

Empower Identity Solutions

Deliver a secure, passwordless experience, granting users seamless access, fortified by AI-driven threat prevention.
Enhance Machine Identity Visibility

Enhance Machine Identity Visibility

Track and manage your machine identities to avoid expirations, prevent outages, and identify system vulnerabilities.
Simplify Compliance and Reduce Risk

Simplify Compliance and Reduce Risk

Simplify compliance management and minimize reputational risk with centralized data security governance.

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