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Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

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Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance is a set of security standards that are designed to ensure that businesses that accept credit and debit card payments are properly protecting the sensitive information of their customers. The PCI DSS was developed by major credit card companies, including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, to provide a standardized framework for securing payment card data.

The PCI DSS consists of 12 requirements that businesses must comply with in order to be considered PCI compliant. These requirements cover a range of security controls, including the implementation of firewalls, encryption, access controls, and regular security testing and monitoring. Businesses that accept credit and debit card payments must comply with the PCI DSS in order to avoid potential fines and other legal consequences for failing to properly protect payment card data.

Accutive Security can assist businesses in achieving and maintaining PCI compliance. Our team of experts can conduct security assessments, develop risk management plans, assist with security policy development, and provide ongoing support to ensure that businesses are meeting all of the necessary PCI DSS requirements. By working with Accutive Security, businesses can ensure that they are properly protecting the sensitive payment card data of their customers and avoid the potential financial and reputational damage that can result from a data breach.

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