Webinar | Secure Your Roadmap for 90 Day Certs with Venafi + Accutive Security July 10th, 2024 | Register Now
Picture of Keval Varia
Keval Varia
Keval Varia is a Senior Cybersecurity Solutions Engineer based in our San Juan Capistrano, CA head office

The Need for Efficient Certificate Management

In a world increasingly dependent on digital transactions and communication, proper machine identity and certificate management has become a cornerstone of enterprise security. While certificates play a crucial role in securing networks, their management often falls victim to manual processes, lack of oversight, and restricted resources. In too many cases, digital certificates are neglected despite their critical role in a modern cryptographic framework. Why? At a time when InfoSec, SecDevOps, and IT teams are being asked to do more with less, digital certificate management is often an oversight. This is unfortunate considering that digital certificates are the foundation of trust for secure communications in the modern enterprise. Accutive Security aims to revolutionize certificate management into a seamless, efficient, and automated process with the power of ServiceNow certificate management.

Certificate Management Challenges

Digital certificate volumes are growing rapidly driven by a massive increase in machine identities. Unfortunately, major shifts on the horizon such as 90 Day Certificate validity periods and post quantum cryptography threaten to exacerbate the situation by multiplying your workload. If your organization is like most, your team is likely already facing at least one of the following challenges when managing your growing inventory of certificates:

The Solution: ServiceNow Certificate Management

ServiceNow, a leading IT Service Management (ITSM) platform, offers a comprehensive solution to address these certificate management challenges. Our integration with ServiceNow for Certificate Management is designed to remove these pain points by automating and streamlining the entire certificate management process. By integrating with specialized tools and automating key processes, ServiceNow enables organizations to streamline their certificate management operations, improve security, and ensure compliance.

Key Benefits of ServiceNow Certificate Management

Leveraging ServiceNow with Venafi TLS Protect Cloud or Keyfactor Command

To further enhance ServiceNow’s certificate management capabilities, organizations can leverage advanced, enterprise-grade certificate lifecycle management solutions like Venafi TLS Protect Cloud and Keyfactor Command.

Elevate your Certificate Management with ServiceNow

Certificate management doesn’t have to be a nightmare of manual processes and chaos. Accutive Security’s ServiceNow integration offers a holistic solution that brings efficiency, security, and governance to your certificate management efforts. By adopting a unified approach through ServiceNow Certificate Management and leveraging the capabilities of specialized solutions like Venafi TLS Protect Cloud and Keyfactor Command, your organizations will transform your CLM and PKI experience.
By leveraging ServiceNow’s robust ITSM capabilities, Accutive Security’s solution goes beyond mere automation. We empower you with:

Explore ServiceNow Certificate Management in our Innovation Lab


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