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Data Protection, Cryptography + IAM Solutions for Retail and Consumer Goods Industries

Accutive Security has experience implementing a broad range NIST-aligned cybersecurity and privacy solutions for the retail and consumer goods sectors in the United States and Canada, including Data Discovery and Data Masking, PKI, CLM, HSMs, MFA, SSO, Secrets Management, Key Management, Data Encryption, and CIAM.


Data Masking + Test Data Management for the Retail Industry

Data Discovery + Masking

Accutive Data Discovery + Masking (ADM) for the Retail Industry:

A top rated data discovery + masking solution with automated PCI DSS, PII, GDPR (EU), CCPA and PIPEDA (Canada) compliance to protect your customers, employees, suppliers + other stakeholders. Empower your teams to securely analyze your data and develop + test new systems with no risk of exposing sensitive data.

Advanced Data Discovery + Data Masking Capabilities for Retail and Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

AI-powered automated data discovery and masking capabilities

Consistent, accurate masking across all your files + databases

Discovery, secure masking + tokenization of Payment Card Information (PCI) data

Cryptography + Data Protection for the Retail Industry

Building a secure cryptographic framework to ward off
cyber threats, using the cryptographic triad:

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI):

Verify the identity of individuals and machines on your network using digital certificates and protect your highly sensitive data from being compromised.

Certificate Lifecycle Management / Automation (CLM/CLA):

Prevent outages and stay compliant. We offer PCI-compliant CLM/CLA solutions to ensure your digital certificate lifecycle is seamlessly managed and automated.

Key Management, including Hardware Security Modules (HSMs):

The foundation of trust and the enabler of PKI by providing + guarding your cryptographic keys.

Cryptographic Protection

Identity and Access Management (IAM) for the Retail Industry

Identity and Access Management
A robust Identity and Access Management framework prevents unauthorized access to highly sensitive financial and personal information. We work with retailers, ranging from specialty retailers to giants, to build robust compliant IAM frameworks including:

Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)

Single Sign On (SSO):

secure convenience for busy telecom employees

Access Control:

Role-based access control and Attribute-based access control for compliance

Privileged Access Management (PAM):

to provide oversight over ‘privileged’ accounts such as administrator accounts to prevent breaches

Safeguarding Physical Access:

including smartcards

Customer confidence

Customer confidence is critical in the retail industry - cyberattacks and data breaches are a major risk to that trust


Of Retail organizations report a high turnover of cybersecurity staff – far higher than average


Of individual records have been exposed in retail data breaches across North America

$290 Million +

Estimated cost of the largest U.S. retail data privacy breach

Challenging realities of the Retail Industry

Telecommunications Providers house large amounts of highly sensitive PII, CPNI and financial data that is an ideal target for cybercriminals
Protecting Customer Data

Protecting Customer Data

Retailers and consumer goods manufacturers interact with vast quantities of data that must be protected. Ransomware attacks, data breaches, and evolving cyber risks threaten your customers, reputation, and your bottom line.
Geographical Complexities

Geographical Complexities

Retailers that operate a large number of locations require comprehensive cybersecurity protection across a broad footprint.
Navigating Regulatory Compliance

Navigating Regulatory Compliance

The regulatory landscape continues to evolve with retailers expected to comply with increasingly stringent regulations around the protection of customer data. Ensuring compliance while strengthening cybersecurity is a challenge, and non-compliance with regulations risks major penalties and reputational damage.
High Stakes Data

High Stakes Data

Some of the largest and most expensive data breaches have targeted retailers. Failing to protect your customer’s data can result in significant penalties and reputational harm.
Legacy Systems Vulnerabilities

Legacy Systems Vulnerabilities

Antiquated IT infrastructure can leave you susceptible to cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

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