
Solution Brief

Cloud-Based Private PKI – A modern and efficient approach

Alternative to Microsoft On-prem PKI

Cloud-Based PKI SAAS Subscription Software

What Are the Private PKI and Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services?

This refers to a PKI that is only used to secure your internal network, whereby an Internal Certificate Authority (CA) issues private TLS/SSL certificates to encrypt communication between internal servers and machine equivalents. Microsoft ADCS is an internal/private PKI infrastructure

Problem to Solve:

The time and expenses required to refresh and continually manage private, old PKI infrastructures, specifically Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS).

Cause of the Problem:

The limited ability of Microsoft ADCS to keep up with a modern enterprise’s private PKI needs, resulting in unnecessary costs associated with maintaining legacy software/hardware, supporting infrastructure, and tying up valuable labor expertise.

How Do Cloud-Based Solutions Solve the Problem:

  • Provide security teams with a private, cloud-based, SaaS-subscription PKI that drives value and cost reduction by eliminating challenges associated with legacy software/hardware, labor expertise, infrastructure costs, and MS ADCS fees.
  • Integrate with certificate lifecycle management solutions such as Venafi or KeyFactor.
  • Additional benefits – Auto-enroll: SCEP, MDM, ACME, protect with redundant FIPS 140-2/L3 HSMs, quickly change PKI hierarchy and profiles, be scalable and adaptable.

About Accutive Security

We’ve made helping banks and credit unions succeed in the digital age our mission. With comprehensive technology solutions and support, including digital banking, digital account and loan origination, enterprise security, data management, and systems integration, Accutive Security’s expertise opens a world of possibilities.
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