Case Study

Enhancing Security and Streamlining Operations with Accutive Security’s ADM Platform: A Case Study on a large Canadian bank.

Enhancing Security and Streamlining Operations


In the digitally-evolving banking sector, increased customer demands for secure yet intuitive experiences and regulatory data protection pressures have transformed traditional infrastructures. A large Canadian bank, a forward-thinking financial institution, faced the daunting challenge of meeting these demands while ensuring its substantial national presence.
Managing a vast customer base and daily intricate data transactions, this large Canadian bank sought to streamline data processes and boost security measures compliant with industry regulations. The solution needed scalability to meet the large Canadian bank’s growth.
To navigate this complexity, the large Canadian bank partnered with Accutive Security, leveraging its Data Discovery and Masking (ADM) platform to enhance data security and management capabilities. This case study delves into the bank’s transformative journey, revealing how Accutive’s ADM has paved the way for safer, efficient, and resilient banking experiences.
The following sections contextualize the bank’s project, the implementation process, and the remarkable outcomes. Examining key performance indicators and team feedback, we highlight the ADM platform’s pivotal role in the bank’s digital transformation

About The Client

This large Canadian bank, a full-service bank established in 1988, provides a wide range of banking and financial services. Integral to its operations is a diverse database environment, including SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL, each serving unique roles based on their strengths.
This heterogeneous database infrastructure, while powerful, presents challenges in data management, protection, synchronization, and regulatory compliance. Managing this complexity necessitates a flexible and robust solution like Accutive’s ADM platform. It offers comprehensive data discovery and masking capabilities across multiple databases, addressing the bank’s needs for efficient, secure management of its varied data assets, and ensuring adherence to stringent industry regulations.


As the large Canadian bank embarked on its digital transformation journey, it was faced with the daunting task of maintaining data integrity across a diverse array of databases and files. With critical systems reliant on SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL databases, achieving uniformity and consistency across this varied landscape was crucial. This would ensure that masked data, such as ‘Joe Smith’ converted to ‘John Doe’ in one system, remained ‘John Doe’ across all systems.
Simultaneously, ensuring the synchronicity of masked data was complicated by the large Canadian bank’s requirement to ensure the privacy and security of their customer’s information while meeting regulatory obligations. Data breaches in test, development, or third-party environments, all of which potentially harbored sensitive data, posed a significant risk.
Additionally, this transformation project was not isolated to a single department. The interdepartmental nature of data management meant that the cybersecurity team, databases and data operations team, and DevOps team all needed to work in close collaboration. Ensuring seamless communication and coordination between these teams was a challenge in itself, demanding a solution that would bridge these disparate units effectively.
Moreover, the task of identifying and masking sensitive data was far from straightforward. Data masking had to be executed in a way that ensured data remained functional and met the bank’s strategic needs without compromising its security. The task was further complicated by the need to preserve the format of the masked data and retain usability, despite transforming the information to a non-sensitive form.
Navigating these complex challenges required a sophisticated solution that could deliver on multiple fronts. It needed to integrate seamlessly across a multitude of platforms, facilitate cross-team collaboration, maintain data integrity, and meet regulatory obligations, all while ensuring optimal security.


Accutive Security’s ADM platform was the ideal solution for the bank’s needs, offering data discovery, data masking, automated alerts, and consistent masking across multiple databases. The implementation of Accutive Security’s ADM platform at the large Canadian bank can be divided into several key phases: Discover, Design, Develop, and Deploy. Each phase was tailored to the bank’s unique requirements and carefully monitored to ensure successful integration into the existing workflows.


Upon implementing Accutive Security’s ADM platform, the bank experienced significant improvements:
  • Enhanced Data Security: The ADM platform enabled the large Canadian bank to identify and mask sensitive data, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches.
  • Regulatory Compliance: With the ADM platform, the bank could easily meet its regulatory obligations, ensuring the protection of customer information.
  • Streamlined Processes: The ADM platform's robust and scalable nature allowed the bank’s Software Engineering, DevOps, and DataOps teams to work more efficiently.


3 Happy customers of the ADM Platform
“ADM enabled us to locate and mask our sensitive data while leaving it viable for our development team and non-production environments.”
VP of Information Services
Large Canadian Financial Institution
“They found PII we weren’t aware of in a database no one was using. All our sensitive data is now masked, protected and compliant.”
Head of Information Services
Regional Financial Institution
“We finally got control of our test data – which is making a big difference for our development and QA teams – the speed and data utility are game changers.”
Large Financial Services Organization


The adoption of Accutive Security’s ADM platform has transformed the large Canadian bank’s data protection and operational strategies, reinforcing their market standing as a secure and efficient financial institution.

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Call To Action

Every business has sensitive data. Securely moving it from production to non-production environments is critical. Accutive Security’s Data Discovery & Masking (ADM) Platform provides a solution, enabling the identification, masking, and safe transition of data while retaining its usability.
Our ADM platform ensures compliance with regulatory standards such as PCI-DSS, GLBA, OSFI/PIPEDA, HIPAA, FERPA, GDPR, and more. In an era of growing cyber threats, proactive data protection is a must.
Don’t wait for a breach to reveal your system’s vulnerabilities. With Accutive’s ADM platform, you can capture with clarity and conceal with confidence. Contact us today to secure your organization’s digital future
Take control of your data security with Accutive’s ADM platform, because when it comes to data, capturing with clarity and concealing with confidence should be your status quo.

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