
Accutive Data Discovery and Data Masking (ADM): Your MySQL Data Masking Solution

ADM is a leading data discovery and static data masking solution with optimized data discovery and data masking tools for MySQL databases.

Data Masking for MySQL-background

Why Choose ADM for your MySQL Database Discovery, Subsetting + Masking needs?

Static Data Masking for Maximum Security

Static Data Masking for Maximum Security

While MySQL offers some data masking functionality, it primarily focuses on dynamic data masking. This may be less secure than static data masking because a connection exists between the original data and the masked data. ADM utilizes static data masking, which provides a higher level of security and is more suitable for test, development and other exposure to non-secure environments.
Unmatched Versatility and

Unmatched Versatility and Scalability with Enterprise-Wide Referential Integrity

Accutive Data Discovery and Data Masking works seamlessly across all major databases, and maintains referential integrity enterprise-wide. This means that masking in your MySQL database can be reflected across your system, preventing data inconsistencies, errors and orphaned records.
Affordable Solution

Affordable Solution

ADM is one of the highest rated and most affordable data discovery and masking solutions on the market. Additionally, ADM works across all your databases – not just MySQL.
Ease of Use

Ease of Use

With ADM, you can discover your target sensitive data across MySQL databases and mask it in a matter of minutes. ADM is user-friendly and suitable for business users with minimal technical background.

Challenges of Traditional MySQL Data Masking, Subsetting + Discovery

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    Limited Data Masking Options (Focuses on Dynamic Masking)
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    Only Supports Native MySQL Data Types
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    Masking Restricted to MySQL Databases

The ADM Solution for MySQL Data Masking + Discovery

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    Static Data Masking for use outside secure environments
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    Discovers + masks all major file types (XML, Flat Files, Delimited, Excel, JSON, etc.t)
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    Masking Across All Databases with Referential Integrity

Why Accutive Data Discovery and Data Masking (ADM) for MySQL?


Comprehensive SQL Server Data Discovery

Discover sensitive data across your entire system, regardless of database or file type, with ADM’s powerful discovery tools.
Advanced data masking

Advanced Data Masking Techniques

Protect your critical data with state-of-the-art masking techniques, including:
  • Referential integrity within databases and across your entire system
  • Synthetic Data Generation
  • Smart Address Generation and more
Seamless ci cd

Seamless CI/CD Pipeline Integration

ADM’s API-driven architecture integrates effortlessly with your existing IT infrastructure. Empower your DevOps teams and make ADM part of your development and testing processes.
Irreversible, Secure Static Data Masking

Irreversible, Secure Static Data Masking

Unlike dynamic data masking, ADM’s static data masking is untraceable and irreversible, providing you with secure, usable data for testing, analytics, QA, and sharing.

Discover Why ADM is a Top-Rated MySQL Data Masking + Discovery Platform

Hear directly from our clients about how ADM has revolutionized their data security and data management practices for MySQL databases.

Start Your Journey Towards Better Data Management

Discover the advantages of Accutive Data Discovery and Data Masking today – secure your ADM for MySQL demo today!

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